Staying safe at home (Security, Fire safety, Scams and nuisance calls)
Looking after yourself (Personal care, Keeping warm in winter, Eating, Preventing falls)
Money Matters (Benefits, Local welfare assistance – including Fuel hardship, Emergency food and Debt advice)
Protecting adults at risk (What is abuse, how to report it, independent support)
Domestic Abuse (How to recognise , where to find help)
Suicide prevention (Understanding suicidal feelings, where to get help, how to help someone else)
Health and wellbeing advice (Health checks, Drugs and alcohol, Smoking, Eating well and staying hydrated, Weight management, Incontinence, Men’s health)
Mental health (Self-help, Support organisations, Wellbeing centres, Mental health teams)
Top tips for staying independent (Multiple topics including Get online, Embrace technology)
Equipment and adaptations (Equipment around the house, Care technology, Mobility equipment, Occupational therapy)
Carers page (Support and advice, Breaks and emergency help, Moving and handling, financial support and benefits for carers)
If you would like to order some flyers to leave with clients, please email
Now that you have completed the Trigger Tool e-learning, we would recommend that you continue to develop your knowledge and skills by doing the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) e-learning course. The MECC e-learning programme is designed to support learners in developing an understanding of public health and the factors that impact on a person’s health and wellbeing. It focuses on how asking questions and listening effectively to people is a vital role for us all.
If you are worried about an older person who is not drinking enough, this easy to follow e-learning course on Hydration in Older People has some useful advice and tips. (N.B. Just click on 'Play' and then 'Continue'. You do not need to register or log in).